Showing posts with label jquery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jquery. Show all posts

Saturday, November 6, 2010

XSS-Track: How to quietly track a whole website through single XSS

XSS is #1 threat in web application security. We all know it's pretty common, from time to time we encounter a website where a single input field is vulnerable. Happily we send out alert(document.cookie) only to find out that session cookie is httpOnly (it's a good sign!). On the other side we know that XSS gives us, white hats, an almost unlimited potential on how to alter the vulnerable page. We can:
  • deface it,
  • steal user's form values
  • redirect to form a phishing attack
  • look at cookies
  • try to send malware through a drive-by download attack
  • and many more...
However, what to do if we found a vulnerability on one page, and all the interesting things are on the other page on the same domain? Say, the vulnerability is on and we'd really like to steal user's credentials from Of course, with JS it's possible, but usually it's a difficult manual process to construct such payload. Today I'll present a way that makes it dead easy to:
  • track user's actions on a vulnerable website (clicks, form submits),
  • track outside links,
  • monitor pages content and report any interesting HTML elements (e.g. the secret credentials)
All of this is possible with a single injected script - think XSS-injected Google Analytics! With just one XSS vulnerability on any page an attacker gets information about all browsing actions of unsuspecting user. Demo inside!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Cloning jQuery UI datepicker

In case you were having problems with cloning fields with jQuery UI datepicker attached to them - solutions mentioned in the interwebs are similar to this one:
However, that did not work for me. If you happen to have a set of similar symptoms:
  • new datepicker is not instantiated at all
  • JS errors occur while instantiating new datepicker
  • even if datepicker is cloned, it refers to the old field
the issue is that there are remaining (cloned) events (if you're using .clone(true) like me) on the field AND there is a still attached cloned datepicker object.


Either imitate datepicker('destroy') manually:
$input = $('.cloned-input'); 
// remove still present related DOM objects
// remove datepicker object and detach events 
or implement a different procedure:
  1. before cloning destroy the datepicker on the base input
  2. clone(true)
  3. recreate the datepicker on base input
  4. use unbind() and recreate datepicker on cloned input

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

jQuery hijack plugin - nice addition to jQuery UI 1.7

I have just published a jQuery plugin that I've used with great success on many of my last projects - jQuery hijack. What hijacking is and why is it of any importance?

The amazing world of widgets

When loading a widget on a page, say tab or dialog, we are often loading its content from another URL via AJAX. This is a common technique and nothing new - we may e.g. use jQuery.load() or jQuery.tabs() from Jquery UI to achieve this. Let's say we are loading a table containing a product list to a tab. In this table we have some columns so we can sort it by clicking on a column header and page the results by using the pager links we developed.

What happens when we click on any link used to e.g. sort or go to next page in our loaded content? It replaces the whole page. The same thing happens when we have e.g. a search form within our tab content and we submit it. Although completely understandable (and there are many ways to avoid it), it's not exactly the best behavior. What can help you - is hijacking. jQuery hijack plugin was designed exactly to come to your rescue.

Hijacking to the rescue

Hijacking or hijaxing is a term used by Chris Thatcher a long time ago in a jQuery UI thread, where he proposed a way of capturing all the links within a widget content and making them reload only that widget. And this is exactly the core functionality of jQuery hijack plugin.

By using the plugin, we can call a simple one function jQuery.hijack() and voila - from now on, all links and forms are hijacked - so paging links in the tab will simply display another page of results in this tab, search form will also display results inline - everything requires only one line of code (usually).

More info

The plugin works flawlessly with jQuery UI widgets, like tabs or dialogs, I also heavily used it with jqModal plugin. This 1KB plugin also allows you to:

  • skip hijacking some forms/links
  • use click() handlers for links to skip following them at all
  • skip submitting forms (validation)
  • always run a particular function after reloading content (e.g. to init some objects)

I've created a demonstration page for plugin features where you can see it in action with jQuery UI. You may download the plugin at its Google code page. The plugin is dual licensed under MIT/GPL licenses.

Monday, March 2, 2009

jQuery optionTree demo

This is the demo for my jQuery optionTree plugin.

Update: Version 1.2 of the plugin is now capable of loading trees via AJAX - this is not possible to demonstrate on this blog, so I moved the demonstration to a separate site - see the new demo page.

This jquery plugin converts passed JSON option tree into dynamically created SELECT elements allowing you to choose one nested option from the tree.
It should be attached to a (most likely hidden) INPUT element. It requires an option tree object. Object property names become labels of created select elements, each non-leaf node in the tree contains other nodes. Leaf nodes contain one value - it will be inserted into attached INPUT element when chosen.

The plugin also supports loading additional levels via AJAX calls and preselecting given items at load.

Example 1

<input type="text" name="demo1" />

    var option_tree = {
       "Option 1": {"Suboption":200},
       "Option 2": {"Suboption 2": {"Subsub 1":201, "Subsub 2":202},
             "Suboption 3": {"Subsub 3":203, "Subsub 4":204, "Subsub 5":205}


Example 2 - change event and configuration

<input type="hidden" name="demo2" />

    var option_tree = {
       "Option 1": {"Suboption":200},
       "Option 2": {"Suboption 2": {"Subsub 1":201, "Subsub 2":202},
             "Suboption 3": {"Subsub 3":203, "Subsub 4":204, "Subsub 5":205}

    var options = {empty_value: -1, choose: '...'};

    $('input[name=demo2]').optionTree(option_tree, options)
                          .change(function() { alert('Field ' +  + ' = ' + this.value )});

Example 3 - preselected options

<input type="hidden" name="demo3" />

    var option_tree = {
       "Red": {"Default":100},
       "Blue": {"Variant 1": {"Default":100, "Another":101},
        "Variant 2": {"Default":100, "Another":102, "and another":103}

    var options = {preselect: {'demo3': 100}}; // value for default option (include field name)

    $('input[name=demo3]').optionTree(option_tree, options)
                          .change(function() { alert('Field ' +  + ' = ' + this.value )});

More info

Plugin is dual licensed undel MIT / GPL licenses.
Additional information about this plugin is available on its google code pages. You may download the plugin from there or from its jQuery plugin site. It has been tested with jQuery 1.3 and 1.4. Feel free to comment on the plugin and suggest additional features on google code project site.